jueves, 20 de mayo de 2021

My personal information.

 My personal information

We share our personal inforation to let other people know more about us. 


-My name is Tatiana                       -I am 22 years old 

-I was born in Armenia                   -I live in San José neighbourhood

-I study in the University of Quindío   -I am single


1. Write the information that was given. 

2. Match the personal information as it corresponds. 

What is your name?                               I am 12

How old are you?                                   It is on september 14th 

Where do you live?                                 I am Andrés

What is your hobby?                               From Spain

Where are you from?                              In Madrid

When is you birthday?                             It is painting

3. Share 3 things about you.

Example: -My name is Juan.
               -I am 9 years old.
               -I live in Armenia. 

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